Monday, January 31, 2011

Whistler +Bluebird Day+ Fresh Snow = Epic

Rider: Paul Gibbs          Sled: 2010 HCR800 Arctic Cat

Well it has been awhile since my last blog. I have been busy and that is a good thing. Had a chance to get up to Whistler this weekend, what can I say, it was a bluebird day with fresh snow. What more could you ask for............

Monday, January 17, 2011

Vancouver Motorcycle Show

Hey guys just a quick reminder that the Bike show is on this weekend the 20th to the 23rd  of Jan at the Abbotsford tradex. If you have not been then you are missing out on a great show. All kinds of stuff going on for the whole family.

                                          Click logo for more info

Here are the show times

Saturday, January 1, 2011

ArenaCross Dead at 20

That is correct, at the ripe old age of 20 due to circumstances I really know nothing about the  Nex Trax Arenacross series has suddenly died. Tits up as some would say.

 Sounds like the expansion to Grande Prarie, AB, a week before Christmas might have been the final nail in the coffin so to speak of the series. But just to make things perfectly clear that is just pure speculation on my part as I have nothing to do with the organization.  I know it is a sad time for a lot of people who enjoyed the series. My son who at 5 years old was racing for his second season will miss it as will I. 

You can read what they have to say about it over at 

Please feel free to comment on the subject.